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President, Portfolio Manager

Doug is President of Fieldhouse and is a Portfolio Manager.



Work History & Achievements

Fieldhouse Capital Management – Founder & President

30 Years Senior Investment Experience

Commodity and Derivatives Specialist

Runs Trading & Execution Offering Algo-based Execution to Clients

Strategy & Investment Approach

Doug captures the maximum available profit provided by the constant price movement of markets represented by the investment programs markets, sectors and risk tolerances. The trading programs algorithms are designed with a primary investment objective of achieving value added capital appreciation and income while managing an investment decision from entry, exit and risk through the use of our proprietary trading technologies. The return profile of our programs is consistent with traditional alternative investment practices in that they are designed to achieve absolute return profiles in both bull and bear market environments.

With these trading and risk management principles in place, Doug attempts to provide above average returns while experiencing limited draw-downs. No investment program is foolproof, nor can it guarantee positive returns, however, we believe its trading programs will continue to produce profitable returns on investment over the long term.

Our diverse advisor network means Fieldhouse offers clients a breadth of investment experience and skill.

Doug Sereda


Investment Themes

  • Algo Driven

    Using a systematic approach provides an investment discipline and effective risk management framework that helps give managers a rational and consistent approach to investment management. Using algorithms offers effective position management and control risk in the portfolio.

  • Fundamental

    Understanding the core economics driving a stock or key market trend identifies securities or segments of the market that can be systematically exploited.

  • Long-Short

    Strategies that can use both long and short positions give more breadth to the investment universe and are less constrained in their ability to offer returns to investors. Equally long/short portfolios can present trading and investment strategies with controlled payoff structures not accessible to constrained long only investors.

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