Fieldhouse’s Covid 19 Response Letter

We thought we would  write to you ahead of a Canada border closure, potential lockdown and various specific measures taken by each Province as we jointly face our role in slowing the spread of Covid-19. Clearly this global pandemic is unchartered waters for our leaders, communities and economy.  We each have a responsibility to play our part to stop the virus. We Are Workng For You and We are available Fieldhouse staff are in the fortunate position to remotely access our systems securely. Our staff are mainly working from home and our phone system is roaming; please continue to use the regular office numbers and emails. We are here to answer your emails and phone calls. Please contact us if you have any concerns. What is Happening in the markets? Global equity markets have realized significant sell offs to levels we haven’t seen in years. We believe significant volatility remains and further downside is a realistic possibility. Governments are attempting to stabilize economies via stimulus (rate cuts) so that after the pandemic ends we are not faced with an inevitable recession. It’s critical that supply chains can remain open. Although there is a lockdown of sorts in every affected country, government…

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Fieldhouse Disclosures & Confidentiality

This website and any content relating to official business of Fieldhouse Capital Management Inc. (“Fieldhouse”) is proprietary to Fieldhouse. All information on this site is for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as investment advice. You should never trade or invest unless you understand the risks involved and how they relate to your personal circumstances. This website cannot achieve that necessary goal. RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The risk of loss in trading securities, commodities or options can be substantial. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. In considering whether to trade or to authorize someone to trade for you, you should be aware of the following: If you purchase or sell short a security, commodity or option , you may sustain a total loss, or a loss greater then margin required in the case of short selling, of the premium or capital invested and all transaction costs.If you purchase or sell a security, commodity future or sell a commodity option, you may sustain a total loss of the investment or initial margin funds and any additional funds that you deposit with your broker to establish or maintain your…

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